Formalise your processes seamlessly
Procedures, workflow diagrams, blueprints, mindmaps : Elemate makes it easy to produce relevant working documents and visuals.

Elemate helps you

Collect knowledge efficiently
A single platform to gather and harmonise the information inherent in your organisation
Translation of your specific business language into common elements that can be used by all your teams
Flexible methods tailored to your needs, with tools to help you gather, import and verify information

Enrich your collective knowledge base at your own pace. Never start from scratch, never lose knowledge.

Formalise my organisation's activities
Access to best practices and standards’ libraries to save you formatting time
Rapid and assisted modelling of the organisation for a single, harmonised source of truth
Updates are intuitive and immediate ; all your data is synchronized

Move faster from note-taking to a representation of the “as-is”, then keep your repository up to date much more easily.

Using the right information at the right time
360° cross-functional approach to your organisation, because everything is deeply connected
Visualise all the inter-dependencies between elements in 1 click ; choose your business prism
Apply various filters, zoom in and customise the visuals that best support your discussions and brainstorms

Get a rapid and comprehensive understanding of your organisation's interactions and processes. Involve everyone and get ahead faster.
What’s so different about us ?

Elemate offers a flexible interface, with an architecture and depth that adapt to the maturity of your organisation and the volume and type of information you have at any given time.

For everyone
We are a B2W tool (Business to Worker) - we offer each employee an affordable and intuitive experience, while ensuring consistency and alignment with the organisation as a whole.

All experts
No expertise needed : work using your own codes and all the information gets harmonised ; leverage access to best practices from other professions and sectors.

Use the power of digital to navigate the interactive twin of your organisation ; lead your discussions, support your analysis and pass on knowledge.
Built for various sectors
Get your scope under control
I need to harmonise my process repository, take stock of the desired controls and their implementation
I need to prepare my responses to recurring regulatory requirements in a structured an efficient way
I need to communicate, train and create engagement with my teams around well-defined processes

“A single tool to design and centralize my processes while simultaneously answering official Audit Trail requirements“
Pierre, Financial Director

Meet the requirements...and more
I need to create or update a Quality repository with limited resources
I want to get my business units to collaborate and adhere to my approach and make it lively and collaborative
Subject to standards and certifications, I want to proactively build up my proof of compliance and identify any anomalies

“Being in a restructuring phase, I see Elemate as a real process facilitator, which allows irritants to be naturally brought to the surface and fixed“
Fabien, QSE Director

Discovery phase 2.0
I need to quickly produce relevant “as-is” reports and switch from text to flowcharts
I lack interactive representations of the organisation to understand, pinpoint, compare and navigate
I need to identify the key players, their responsibilities, risks/controls and dependencies

“I create my flowcharts on the fly and can validate the components in real time with the stakeholders“
Julien, Indep. Consultant

Built for trust

Secure access, data hosted in your country on the Cloud, backed up and recoverable. Integrated, configurable governance and rights management.

Ease of use
Instant, individual self-onboarding, no special configuration or prerequisites. A simple, customised interface inspired by your best applications.

Available from within the application, with access to professionals for ad-hoc assistance. You too can contribute to our solutions by joining the Elemate community.

Import your existing documents by uploading them, or via the vailable APIs and connectors. Our data is structured to facilitate exchanges or exports.
Elemate is relevant for …

- Produce the as-is in no time (collect/update)
- Be forceful in your analyses (connections)
- Offer an exhaustive view of the situation (visuals/filtering, etc. 1 image is worth 100 words)
- Better understanding of obligations
- Create links between expectations and actual business activities
- Assessment and action plan
- Visualise, complete and navigate what already exists
- Anticipate your target-organisation to create buy-in and commitment
We help at different stages

Structure yourself now, at your own pace. Don't wait for a deadline: get on the case straight away.

Respond quickly and easily to external requirements. Anticipate your development at a lower cost

Structure and control the evolution of your organisation, before being forced to it... Keep control and carry on!

Get a clear view of your resources. Give them tools to align their contributions and implement your ambitions.
They talk about us

CEO Consulting Agency
“After using the solution internally to better structure our own activities, Elemate now systematically adds value to our business partner approach with clients.”

Indep. consultant
“The intuitive onboarding helps me quickly juggle between macro and micro and apply various filters ; I can eventually see through my client’s organisation with various prisms.”

CFO – Logistics Group
“Great thing about Elemate is it helps to easily formalise our activities, but also jump instantly from ideas on whiteboard to relevant interactive visuals for my team meetings.”

Director – Industrial SME
“Faced with several standards, Elemate helped me structure requirements and document actions to quickly become compliant.”
They are backing us

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